
​Coconut Coir Fiber Filter

E-FILT Natural Coconut Coir Fiber Filter

Material & Manufacturing

  • Fiber Source: Southeast Asian long coconut coir fibers (length ≥15cm)
  • Forming Process: High-temperature bonding with ​VOC-free adhesives, validated by ISO 16890 shedding resistance tests

Performance Validation

✔ ​Omnidirectional Uniform Structure – Porosity ≥85% (ASTM D737 air permeability tested)
✔ ​Low-Pressure Drop Design – Initial ΔP ≤50Pa (ASHRAE 52.2 rated airflow)
✔ ​Micro-Dust Capture – ≥92% efficiency on 5μm particles (ISO 16890 ePM1 rating)

Industrial Applications

  • Automotive Manufacturing: Spray booth exhaust filtration (VDA 6.1 compliant)
  • Industrial Coating: Airflow homogenization for wood/metal spray booths (compatible with Graco, SATA systems)
  • General Ventilation: Welding fume pre-filtration (integrates with AAF/Camfil housings)

Specifications & Customization

  • Standard Sizes: 500×500×30mm|500×500×50mm (tolerance ±2mm)
  • Dust Capacity: ≥600g/m² (@ terminal ΔP 200Pa)
  • Custom Services: Laser-cut irregular sizes (DIN 24185 duct compliance)

Technical Specifications


Parameter Specifications
Frame Aluminum frame, Galvanized frame, Stainless steel frame
Frame Thickness 30mm, 50mm
Filter Media Coconut coir long fiber
Max. Temperature ≥100℃
Moisture Resistance ≥100% (non-condensing)
Dimensions 24”×24”×2” (inches) / 595×595×46mm
Airflow Capacity 3400 m³/h
Initial Pressure Drop 60Pa